Hello! I'm Hanna.
It a pleasure to meet you!
I created My Helpful Haven as a place for simple and practical tips and insights on relationships, homemaking, crafting/DIY projects, and really life in general. My husband, Jonathan, and I currently rent a small home with our four kids, two girls and two boys. We are saving up and dreaming about our own homestead with chickens and a family cow that we will hopefully manifest in the next few years. My husband works full-time outside of the home and I work part-time at home. But our hope is to be more full time with our kids. In the meantime, I am honing skills in the kitchen like making food staples (ex: bread, jam, yogurt) from scratch, healthy alternatives for my highly allergic and gluten sensitive husband, and sprinkling in fun crafting projects that I have always loved.

Where Am I From?
While in the dream building process, we homeschool our kids (well the toddler and baby just watch) and continue to work on our relationship with each other, our kids, and God. Both of us grew up in missionary families and spent quite some time out of the mainland and/or moved every few years. So when someone asks where I am from, my best answer is "Everywhere, USA".
My mother is Japanese and my father is from the good ole Midwest, USA. They met in New York City and I was born soon after in New York state before we started hopping from place to place as each of my 4 siblings joined the family. So yes I am the oldest and therefore super A type!
My Hope for this Blog
I have a knack for organization and crafting and a passion for helping others. Which is where the inspiration for this blog comes from. I am addicted to Pinterest and always searching for better ways to do things and make our lives more efficient, effective, and meaningful. Which can really drive my family crazy sometimes. And when I learn some new life hack or tip, I am more then happy to share it with everyone I know!
So now this is my place to share with you and it would be an honor to help improve your and your family's lives too!